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[sh_donation_parallax_box button=”Register Now” bg=”741″ title=”
” desc=”Discounted Registration Fee until May 1st
7-Week Camp Special ~ $969 // New Dance Program!
We now accept 1199″]
This 1st video is an exhibition of some of the dancing that will be taught and showcased over the summer. Selecting this Intensive Option when applying provides camper with 4-hour dance intensive session each indoor day of the week. Styles taught by high-quality dance educators include CLASSICAL, HIP-HOP, and CARIBBEAN; All culminating with a spectacular performance showcase at the end of camp. GREAT VALUE AND OPPORTUNITY! Hope you enjoy and 2015 registration is now open! See you this summer!
This 2nd video is a past Electronic Press Kit STARGAZER DAY CAMP. It is a compilation of some of the beautiful moments and instructional activities that took place during that year's summer camp session, and will serve as great memento for returning patrons as well as an informative tool for prospective campers. StarGazer Day Camp is located in Brooklyn, NY and we are so excited for this summer. ENJOY!